
Through the genes

This is a part of acceptance in the state of grief, where a person has to drag, pull, push or do everything possible to stand again, because grief is not a phase to pass, it’s a feeling that lingers when all else has passed and one finds themselves in a state of powerlessness without any perspective, purpose or reason…yet in the midst of being conflicted or in senselessness, regression enables that everything eventually gets pulled to the center, the bad and the good can never be worse or greater than they are, because life isn’t only based on the bad or the good, everything needs to co-exist so there can be appreciation.Just like the Ying yang in philosophy, our beings, both physical and spiritual are but connected in their light and dark nature, fortune and misfortune, faith and doubt, wrong and right! The universe is balanced by the fact that wrong calls for the need of right and right is an automated correction of wrong.So is our inner personality, thoughts and characteristics!

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