BigFive Original price was: $500.00.Current price is: $450.00.
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Laundry $800.00

Grandma’s Cows



YEAR: 2021

Acrylic on Canvas

This piece is a recollection of my most recent visit to my grandmother.The
calves as all new life,is a symbol of hope and plenty of milk.

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Future days past

SIZE: 38CM X 27CM YEAR: 2020 Acrylics on 300gsm Paper. Technology and time,young and old.How the new replaces the old is the essence of this painting with evolution of ideas and technology.This is represented in the contrast between the rusty voltwagon and the roadworthy modern motorbike with concern that it's also a matter of time before it becomes a relic of time.

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Chapo Tatu

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