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Heal the World

Medium:Acrylic on canvas Size:76.2cm x 91.44cm Year:2020


Medium: Acrylic on mat weaving Size: 44.45 x 109.22cm Year: 2021


Medium:Acrylic on canvas Size:91.44cm x 106.68cm Year:2020

Between the colours

The stress of toiling only to live in frustration, penury, disappointment and unfulfilled dreams among the Nigerian Youth. The pressure to perform without the opportunity to do so has led many into unstoppable addiction, frustration and depression. All hope seem lost, the purpose of living is defeated, thereby leading to suicidal thoughts. Life isn't fair, but when there is life, there is hope.

Illusion of beauty

A beauty that rejuvenates, A voice that revitalizes, A presence that inspires aw, A tender touch, so radiant and soft. No one like the woman that owns your heart.


Medium:Acrylic on canvas Size:121.92cm x 137.16cm Year:2021