Daily routine Original price was: $620.00.Current price is: $615.00.
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Sunset Original price was: $82.00.Current price is: $81.00.


Original price was: $1,200.00.Current price is: $1,195.00.

Sisters is the love between sisters either of the same blood or not,they happen to do things together and love is developed from together with understanding.

size- 157cm x 96cm

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mother’s care

Original price was: $600.00.Current price is: $550.00.
most parents learn parenting practices from their own parents, some they accept and some they discard some of these form of parenting are through story telling traditional rites and the mother's care attention and love.

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Original price was: $82.00.Current price is: $81.00.

Hair styles

Title:Hair styles size:99cm x 89cm Medium:Acrylic on Canvas Price:850 USD

Charcoal Alley

Original price was: $2,500.00.Current price is: $2,450.00.
perspective in the streets building with history to tell and culture engraved in the rusty old walls. Size: 92.5cm x 56.5cm