Featured Artist Hafizat Adegbile(Manchester)

Hafizat Adegbile emerges as a visionary digital artist, making bizarre artworks that challenge our senses and transport us to realms beyond conception in a world where the limits of reality blur and the mind’s eye becomes a canvas for creativity. Hafizat Adegbile has been a forerunner in the area of contemporary surrealism with a unique blend of technical prowess, unbounded imagination, and an unshakable drive to pushing the boundaries of digital art.

Hafizat Adegbile, born April 6, 1984 in Ibadan, Oyo state, developed an early interest in art that would determine her career. Growing up in a creative family, she took inspiration in the works of surrealist giants such as Salvador Dal, RenĂ© Magritte, and Max Ernst. These famous painters made an unforgettable mark on Hafizat Adegbile’s aesthetic sensibility by daring to probe the subconscious and reinterpret reality.

Hafizat Adegbile’s journey was shaped by her education. She went on to study computer science at the University of Ibadan in Nigeria after finishing high school. She honed her skills throughout this time, delving into digital skills such as graphic design and photo editing and modification. Hafizat Adegbile found the realm of digital art while studying, a medium that would become her creative playground.

The transition to digital art was a watershed moment in Hafizat Adegbile’s career. She embraced technology and explored the wide possibilities it provided. She was able to use digital tools to create the strange landscapes and dreamlike thoughts that had long occupied her imagination.

With its capacity for fine detail and endless modification, this media became the ideal vehicle for Hafizat Adegbile’s artistic expression.

Hafizat Adegbile quickly mastered the use of computer softwares, such as Photoshop, as a palette to construct other realms that both attracted and perplexed audiences. Her works had a rare ability to mix truth with fantasy, encouraging introspection and fascination.

Hafizat Adegbile’s artwork is a kaleidoscope of themes, each of which reveals a tale, a dream, or a hidden truth. The examination of the human mind is a constant theme in their work, which is often depicted as fragmented, surreal landscapes where the lines between consciousness and the unconscious blur. These complicated compositions urge viewers to go deep into their own minds, challenging prejudices and encouraging introspection.

Nature’s enchantment and the secrets of the cosmos are also powerful muses for Hafizat Adegbile. Her paintings frequently contain dreamy solid backgrounds with celestial entities. These masterpieces awe us and remind us of the interconnectivity of all things, transcending our earthly limitations.

Hafizat Adegbile’s art reflects the effect of dreams and the subconscious mind. Surrealism as a movement attempted to liberate the creative power of the unconscious, and Hafizat Adegbile has carried this torch into the digital age. Her works are pixelated dreamscapes that let viewers to explore the regions of imagination where reality meets the strange.

A laborious and arduous technique lies at the heart of Hafizat Adegbile’s strange works. Each piece of art begins with a notion, which is frequently inspired by dreams, personal experiences, or philosophical musings. They then begin on a digital adventure, methodically designing each aspect with care and precision.

Hafizat Adegbile creates her visions using a variety of digital tools and approaches. Her command of software such as Adobe Photoshop enables her to modify photos, textures, and lighting, resulting in a seamless blend of truth and fantasy. As a result, there is a symphony of colors, shapes, and textures that entice spectators into their immersive worlds.

Hafizat Adegbile’s bizarre creations have captivated audiences all over the world. Hafizat Adegbile has shown her unique vision and technical abilities in solo and group shows.

Her work has been featured in various digital art forums and notable Nigerian art periodicals, motivating a new generation of artists to explore the unlimited possibilities of the digital medium.

Hafizat Adegbile’s journey as a surrealist artist has been nothing short of extraordinary.Her ability to use technology to portray the profound and strange is pushing the frontiers of contemporary art. Hafizat Adegbile continues to expose the bizarre through a combination of technical virtuosity, unlimited imagination, and an uncompromising devotion to pushing the limits of her craft, encouraging us all to embark on a trip into the boundless worlds of creativity and imagination.

Hafizat Adegbile Artworks

(i)Fabrics of culture

Fabrics of culture is a series of photographs that I took during a joint project with Yorland Records.It showcases Yoruba women of Ondo state, Nigeria in their traditional cultural attire.These women are adorned with beads from head to toe and behind them is a backdrop made of ankara cloth, a popular west african textile.

(ii)The Rat Race Series

The rat race series is a series of digital paintings that I made that depicts the realities of the average worker, working a 9 to 5 job in a capitalist world.It is a sad reality that most humans live in and this artworks gives a simple description of what the rat race is.


https://artspaces.kunstmatrix.com/en/exhibition/12697909/madeke-mordern-art-exhibition-january-2024 (United Kingdom)

Madeke Modern Art Exhibition April 2024

Holy Art Art on the loop December 2023 (Berlin)

Holy Art Exhibition May 2024 (Athens)

Art Boxxy Exhibition May 2024 (Dubai)